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2D/3D Sensors

2D/3D Sensors High-Speed Profiling in the Micron Range

2D/3D Sensors measure objects 360° all the way around, precisely control the positions of robots and inspect surfaces accurate to the micron.

Advantages of wenglor sensors: superiority where performance is concerned, thus resulting in high-resolution point clouds. This makes it possible to implement complex 3D measurements and testing tasks efficiently and reliably.

Users profit from increased productivity, improved process reliability and 100% quality control. Various performance classes and measuring ranges are offered by the large portfolio of 2D/3D measuring technology – the right product for every application.

Thanks to their open interfaces, ShapeDrive 3D Sensors and weCat3D profile Sensors can be incorporated into your software landscape via DLL, or with the help of a GigE Vision server module.

Evaluation of measurement data is trouble-free with software from third-party suppliers such as HALCON, LabVIEW and EyeVision. The required link is established by means of a free software module provided by wenglor for a GigE Vision server.

The open interface with DLL makes it possible to integrate the sensors into self-programmed C/C++ software. A software development kit can be downloaded free of charge for this purpose, which assures quick and simple system integration.

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